Friday, July 15, 2011

I have a blog and So..what do you do?

First I want to say, I have a blog!! Here it is. This is my blog. That's all I have to say about that.

When I first started dating my husband (when he was a medium-shot, not a big-shot yet), I would go to these boring Washington parties and people would ask, "So. . .what do you do?" I would then make up all kinds of stuff about how interesting it is to write about pharmaceuticals/healthcare/financial stuff/etc and how it's so great that my job/career is so "flexible" (since I wasn't ever employed all that much) and then they would yawn and walk away.  This brings me to one of my favorite stories from about two years ago:

So I’m sitting in the back of the van in between my two daughters, my least favorite place to be.  Back of the van, that is, not the daughters.  Though having a 4 and 6 year old chatter your ears off after a long day at an amusement park is loads of fun—the overstimulation of the day has apparently only affected me, a rapidly aging 35 year old woman with issues.  Anyway, the two girls are different as night and day, reflected in their distinctive voices: one very similar to a Chipmunk capital C (Alvin? Theodore? Who cares?), the other like Lauren Bacall after smoking a pack or two of Marlboro Lights every day for years.  So elder daughter, at the approximately 2 hour mark of ceaselessly talking in my ear on the right side says, “When I grow up, I want to be a teacher or something that lets me not work too much so I can be with my kids.”  Sounded reasonable although I think she needs to find a gig that lets her chatter for a living.  Daughter two rasps from the left, “I want to be, um.  Well, I think I want to do nothing. . .like you do Mommy.”

So you see, I just don't go to those parties anymore because even my kids have cottoned on to the fact that I do nothing. Except now I have a blog.  Oh and I have a FASCINATING job with a big healthcare organization where I write about diabetes prevention.  Yawn. I mean, it's really great. Flexible hours, not too much pressure, decent pay, and I still have enough time to do nothing!


  1. This is funny stuff. Of course, you're not alone in doing "nothing." What are all those people sitting around Starbucks all day doing?

    What does your "big-shot" husband do? He sounds impressive.

  2. I'm a big fan... keep 'em comin'! PS: So being a mom and doing nothing is kinda like being on sabbatical and doing nothing? :-)
