Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Nine Days and the Party Store

We are currently in the midst of the Nine Days. These are the days leading up to the 9th day of the Jewish month of Av. This day, occurring next Tuesday, is known as Tisha B'Av. On Tisha B'Av you fast, refrain from wearing leather, and read depressing things to commemorate the destruction of the first and second temples in Jerusalem. The three weeks leading up to Tisha B'Av are semi-no-fun. Like, for example, you can't get haircuts, can't have weddings or other simchas (joyful events), or listen to live music. Additionally, in the nine days leading up to Tisha B'Av (like now), you aren't allowed to wear clean clothes, eat meat (except on Shabbos), go swimming (or bathe excessively) or go to movies. Or do anything fun. So what to do with three restless children during this week (yes Perfect Eldest Son and Big Shot Husband are STILL away)?

Well, none of the halachas (Jewish laws) I have studied with regard to the Nine Days say anything specific about Starbucks, so this morning we started with that. Yes, I know I go every day. This morning, I ran into a friend on the way in so gave Zsa Zsa my credit card and let her, Eva, and Gorby order for all of us while my friend and I chatted. I meandered to the cash register as they were finishing their order. It was one of the proudest moments of my life. Another milestone. The kids can now do our whole Starbucks order while I sit and check my email!  Awesome. Zsa Zsa then said to me, "Mommy, you trusted me with your credit card. That's a good sign." I'm like, yeah, don't get used to it Zsa Zsa. Your name is Zsa Zsa for a reason.

Anyway, they engaged in another fun activity as we sat outside drinking our coffee.  It's called running up and down the sidewalk like meshugannas.  Screeching. It's not really my favorite activity, but you know it is the Nine Days and there is really little else to do. Yesterday, one of my friends who is used to taking her kids to the pool every day in the summer took them to the kosher pizza store in the next city so she could kill time. True story.

The next activity we did was called, go to the new awesome Party Store that recently opened in our town. We also went there yesterday. When I surveyed Zsa Zsa, Eva and Gorby this morning as to what activity they wanted to do, it was unanimous. Again. It really is an amazing store. Everywhere you turn there is another magnificent sight to behold. Rocker wigs? Check. Hello Kitty EVERYTHING? Check. Bulk candy (even kosher)? Check. And in the wedding aisle, Eva asked, "Mommy, can we buy everything for my wedding here?" Why yes, Eva, what a phenomenal idea! That will save me literally thousands of dollars. I was feeling great until Gorby found the Dora mask. Yes, a mask of Dora's face.

He then put it on. Seriously, straight out of a horror movie. I used to know this guy who was literally terrified of Dora. I always thought he was an idiot until I saw Gorby with the Dora mask on. Then it dawned on me. I took a picture. Maybe I could email this picture to him anonymously and freak the guy out. Except then it wouldn't be anonymous because it would have my name on it. Then I realized I'm an idiot. And I also realized that it's the Nine Days and I shouldn't be thinking bad thoughts about people. Then I realized that I had an enormous headache so we took our four Ring Pops for the plane, the Hello Kitty phone book, the Hello Kitty notepad with stamp, the slinky, and the sparkly key chain notebooks and went to the cash register. The lady said, "Oh, you're back." "Oh, no, this is our first time here. Nice store," I said. Except I didn't. Because lying during the Nine Days is extra bad. But I really wanted to.


  1. Looks like Pes and BiSH (Big Shot Husband) missed out big time!

  2. This is hysterical...written by a witty, ireverant and fantastic young writer.
    Sarah Stern
